(Jesus And Me time)
Sunday J.A.M. Classes @ 9 AM
Age 2- Seniors in High School
Outdoor activities at Frankfurt Square!
Sunday J.A.M.
(Jesus And Me time)
Sunday J.A.M. Classes @ 9 AM
Age 2- Seniors in High School
Outdoor activities at Frankfurt Square!
Wednesday J.A.M. celebration
Every Wednesday!
After school program begins @ 2:30 PM
with meal runs from 5:30 - 6:30 PM
Worship @ 6:45 PM
Youth Group @ 7:15 PM
Open to all youth ages 3 to Grade 12
(and their family!)
3rd Grade Bible Dedication
Bibles were given to the following 3rd graders.
Third grade class is taught by Mike & Diane Rowe for Sunday J.A.M.
Third grade class is taught by Robin Swearingen and Rebecca Borgman for Wednesday J.A.M.
Pictured above:
Nora Lash, Kase Wemhoff, Ben Kitt, and Carley Wemhoff
Pictured above:
Nora Lash, Kennedy Plas, Easton Ligget, , Mason Wurdeman, and Cooper Plas
Sunday j.a.m. (jesus and me) downtown
wednesday nite j.a.m. (outreach center)
Youth Mission team
Every year the Sr High youth travel out of state to volunteer their time and energy to help others. The mission team usually works with the Next Step Ministries organization. Fundraising opportunities are always available to help pay for the cost of the trip. If interested or need more information about this year's trip, contact Sarah Borgman.